
6th Generation Brewer Sato Jumpei's Resume

Shochu Made With Sake Lees ("TATENOKAWA" Newspaper 13/02/2014)


Thank you for your continued support.

TATENOKAWA,Inc. 6th generation brewer Sato Jumpei here!

In the last issue, I wrote about sake rice and about when we started production of sake lees shochu.

I expect there are a lot of people who don’t actually know that TATENOKAWA, Inc. makes sake lees shochu. Thanks to your support, shipment levels have increased little by little but when we first started production, it was a different story.

When we started production of sake lees shochu, we had inflated our expectations a little that a boom in authentic shochu and the fact that were no other breweries in the Shonai region that had ventured away from Korui type shochu would help us sell a few bottles locally. However it turned out to be much more of a struggle than we had imagined.

That’s right! If it was that easy to produce and sell good sake lees shochu, every brewery in the country would be doing it…..It seems quite obvious when I think about it now but back then, we thought it would be plain sailing.

So what were we to do? We had everything ready to start shochu production; we couldn’t just quit now. I can talk about it now as if from a third person perspective but it was really a very vexing time for us.

6th Generation Brewer Sato Jumpei